What is the Importance of Gaudium et Spes?
Here is a piece I wrote on the the Vatican II document Gaudium et Spes for The Catholic Answer, the magazine for …
Here is a piece I wrote on the the Vatican II document Gaudium et Spes for The Catholic Answer, the magazine for …
Here is my column in The Catholic Voice on how LB 586 is not in keeping with Catholic Social Teaching. “A number of …
How free can a market be before it gets in trouble? Well maybe I should explain why free markets would …
Here is my column in The Catholic Voice on the importance of keeping Christ at the center of any work and talk about Catholic …
Here is my column in The Catholic Voice on the defending marriage in light of attacks on faithful Christians like Barronelle Stutzman. “There has been …
Here’s my article at the National Catholic Register looking into what the popes have written in their encyclicals about the environment. You …
Here is a piece I wrote on the death penalty for The Catholic Answer, the magazine for Our Sunday Visitor. …
Here is my column in The Catholic Voice on the wisdom of Servant of God Cardinal Francis Xavier Nguyen Van Thuan. “It is February and …
Here is my column in The Catholic Voice on the need to recognize that abortion is not just one other issue. Pope Francis agrees. “Among …
Here is my column in The Catholic Voice on the examples of Bishop von Ketteler and Leon Harmel, two models for how to live Catholic …
Here’s my article at the National Catholic Register asking whether a raise in the minimum wage actually results in a just …
Here is my column in The Catholic Voice on the Church’s teaching on the death penalty and our chance to place a moratorium on …
A very kind review of my book, the Urging of Christ’s Love from Joe Ruff at the Catholic Voice, the …
Here is my column in The Catholic Voice on the coming election. “The midterm elections take place Tuesday, Nov. 4, and I wanted to …
Here is my column in The Catholic Voice on how we can help our fellow Catholics who are suffering in Iraq. Please listen …