Here is my piece at the National Catholic Register on conscience formation and the U.S. Bishop’s document “Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship.”
Midterm Elections Offers Another Opportunity for Formation
01 Thursday May 2014
Posted Politics, Social Doctrine
While I’m breathing and having my Easter candy, Pope Francis’ is still trying to Christianize Marxism. He should step out of his leftist influences [So. America and the Jesuits] and come to realize the death/destruction caused by leftism. Stop the damage control and the sugar coating. He should listen to Archbishop Sheen’s teachings on communism and the destruction that follows. We are in deep doo doo and the damage control routine is only making matters worse. When Pope Francis speaks on faith and morals, he is the vicar of Christ . When Pope Francis speaks about the poor ” that will always be with us”, his leftism is very apparent. Pope Francis neglects the millions of babies murdered via abortion and demeaned the Pro-Life movement by stating for us “not to obsess on abortion”. If the Catholic church continues to play politicswith left wing governments, our days are numbered. Yes, the gates of hell shall not prevail against us, but what happens before that point may get pretty ugly. Left wing Catholicism/voting has brought us to the point of Sodom and Gomorra. WISE UP before it is too late.
Thomas, I don’t you understand church teaching or even communism. Care for the poor is leftism? The pope demeaned pro-lifers? Poppycock.
Partnering with gargantuan corrupt left wing governments to care for the poor is leftism. Yes, the Pope gives lip service against abortion and demeaned the Pro-Life movement. The Church is more than “opposed” to abortion. The church considers it “gravely evil”.
Gravely evil…A fact which he’s supported and acknowledged. And when did the pope say u have to partner with huge corrupt governments?
The Catholic church should stay far away from any initiatives that partner with governments that do not support life from conception until natural death, traditional marriage and freedom of religion, especially freedom of the Catholic religion. To partner with the very governments that are oppressing and trying to eliminate us is the modern day taking of the “30 pieces of silver” and suicidal. We have the ability to live out our Catholic values as proscribed in the CCC in the private sector without engaging entities that hate us and are opposed to our values/morals [i.e. The Holy Bible, the Ten Commandments and the U.S. Constitution]. Furthermore, governments are grotesquely wasteful and the most inefficient way possible to “help the poor”.
Okay, so you don’t pay your taxes right? When did the pope say we had to partner with corrupt states? My goodness, people, what is the problem here?!?! All he said was that there is a legitimate role for the state (any state, a national state, a city state, a county state government any kind of state, state qua state) in redistributing economic benefits. Okay? He doesn’t say that the Church needs to partner with the U.S. Federal government. That’s not even the issue here. And, as I pointed out, that role of the state MUST involve the private sector. So he’s actually buttressing that point, the point that the media didn’t quote. But it’s somehow the pope’s fault?
Pope Francis and the Catholic church should get back in the business of SAVING SOULS, fore that is why Christ instituted the Church. No, NO, NO, the Constitution and our founding principles calls for LIMITED GOVERNMENT. The U.S. government and most governments around the globe are morally and financially Bankrupt. They have confiscated an unjust amount of our money and need to concentrate on massive reduction. They have become governmental pirates and have no legitimate right to redistribute wealth. That is Marxism/Communism and has lead to death/brutality to the likes of Stalin, Mao, Pole Pot, et. als.. Catholics, including the Vatican need to Sober up real fast. Your 40 year left wing voting pattern has brought us to our knees. Time is not on our side. Read and listen to Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen if you want to be enlightened. Christi Fidelis !
Mr. Matthews you don’t understand the pope or Marx or, I’d venture to say, the Ven. Sheen.
Your projection is obvious and I understand all too well Mr. Gutierrez. The Judas Catholics have tried to live double lives for far too long under the evil cloak of “social justice”. They desecrate the millions of lives sacrificed for God and freedom as they flirt with Marxism. They flirt with paganism under the guise of being stewards of the environment. They give lip service and vote against the unborn as 4,000 abortions occur everyday in the U.S.. They desecrate the sacrament of marriage under the guise of tolerance. The Judas Catholics hang on to the last vestiges of a failed social experiment. “Catholic” chickens are all coming home to roost now. Keep on voting for the Judas Catholics. The silent scream is deafening. “Life is worth living”. Christi Fidelis !
Well that’s a new one: Judas Catholic. I haven’t been called that before. So am I a Judas Catholic for marching in the March for Life for years? Am I one for protesting in front of abortion clinics with my family? Oh I suppose I’m a Judas Catholic for defending the Church’s teaching on contraception, religious liberty, abortion, homosexuality and getting hounded by Catholics for doing it?
Or could it just be that you don’t know what your talking about, because it’s too easy to dismiss what you find confusing?
Mr. Matthews, I’ll thank you not to pretend to know anything about me, my faith or my devotion to the Lord and His Church.
I used the word “the” Judas Catholics referring to those that have been voting against the unborn and against the church for 40 some years. I did not use the word “you”. God Bless you and your family for your pro-life work. No apology necessary for your misread.
No. You just called it my project. You know…plain English.