Efforts continue to be needed to protect religious freedom
Here is my column in The Catholic Voice on the continued effort we need in order to protect religious liberty. Charity in Truth …
Here is my column in The Catholic Voice on the continued effort we need in order to protect religious liberty. Charity in Truth …
Here is my piece in The Catholic Voice on a great mission that goes to Guatemala every summer. I’ve been on it myself, …
Here is my piece in The Catholic Voice on the good work being done in the Omaha Archdiocese by the St. Vincent de …
Here it is: my first book The Urging of Christ’s Love: The Saints and the Social Teaching of the Catholic …
Here is my piece in The Catholic Voice on the lessons the disabled can teach us, and the great work being done in …
Here’s my piece at the National Catholic Register on immigration reform. You will note I think the vitriolic and sadly illogical …
Here is my piece in The Catholic Voice on how education is a great work for social justice. Charity in Truth in “The …
Here is my post at CatholicVote.org on our problem with shamelessness. We live in a nation of liars. I suppose …
Here is my post at CatholicVote.com on the new encyclical by Pope Francis. Enjoy. In Lumen fidei (The light of faith), Pope …
Here is my piece in The Catholic Voice on the importance of immigration reform.
Here is my piece in The Catholic Voice on how Our Lady can do so much for us.
Here is my piece in The Catholic Voice on defending traditional marriage.
Here is my latest at CatholicVote.org It’s a reflection on a sermon that Cardinal Bergoglio, now Pope Francis, delivered in …
Here is my piece in The Catholic Voice on getting past the social justice vs. pro-life Catholics stuff.
Check out my post on the Holy Father’s contribution to the development of Catholic Social Teaching. Social Teaching and B16