The Little-Way Approach to Environment Can Build, Heal
Here is my column in The Catholic Voice on Laudato Si the new encyclical from Pope Francis. Check it out. “Pope Francis’ encyclical “Laudato …
Here is my column in The Catholic Voice on Laudato Si the new encyclical from Pope Francis. Check it out. “Pope Francis’ encyclical “Laudato …
Here is a piece I wrote on the the Vatican II document Gaudium et Spes for The Catholic Answer, the magazine for …
Here is my column in The Catholic Voice on how LB 586 is not in keeping with Catholic Social Teaching. “A number of …
How free can a market be before it gets in trouble? Well maybe I should explain why free markets would …
Here is my column in The Catholic Voice on the importance of keeping Christ at the center of any work and talk about Catholic …
Here is my column in The Catholic Voice on the defending marriage in light of attacks on faithful Christians like Barronelle Stutzman. “There has been …
Here’s my article at the National Catholic Register looking into what the popes have written in their encyclicals about the environment. You …
Here is a piece I wrote on the death penalty for The Catholic Answer, the magazine for Our Sunday Visitor. …
Here is my column in The Catholic Voice on the wisdom of Servant of God Cardinal Francis Xavier Nguyen Van Thuan. “It is February and …
Here is my column in The Catholic Voice on the need to recognize that abortion is not just one other issue. Pope Francis agrees. “Among …
Here is my column in The Catholic Voice on the examples of Bishop von Ketteler and Leon Harmel, two models for how to live Catholic …
Here’s my article at the National Catholic Register asking whether a raise in the minimum wage actually results in a just …
Here is my column in The Catholic Voice on the Church’s teaching on the death penalty and our chance to place a moratorium on …
A very kind review of my book, the Urging of Christ’s Love from Joe Ruff at the Catholic Voice, the …
Here is my column in The Catholic Voice on the coming election. “The midterm elections take place Tuesday, Nov. 4, and I wanted to …